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ATTICO® Extra ATTICO® storey on Kirchenweg in Zurich

Häring AG built five loft apartments (with either one or two bedrooms and a balcony, ranging from 75 to 124 m²) on top of an existing office building on Kirchenweg. The location cried out for high-standard specifications. The large amount of floor-to-ceiling glazing enables the generously dimensioned outer rooms to be lit by carefully located skylights. Some of the barrier-free flats have two spacious bathrooms.

The new top floor’s skeleton structure distributes loads onto the existing concrete columns. The building shell is a prefabricated timber structure. As the add-on timber elements were relatively lightweight, no reinforcements were required to the existing structure.


Services Complete contractor
Client Privat
Architect Attico Zürich
Hohlstrasse 481a
8048 Zurich
Completion date October 2018