04 Modellwettbewerb Modell Kay Huerlimann 04 Modellwettbewerb Modell Kay Huerlimann

Apprentice competition 2023 model making

With motivation and commitment to top performance - our apprentice carpenters received sensational ratings in the model competition of Holzbau Schweiz 🎖

Our apprentice carpenters in their 2nd, 3rd and 4th year of apprenticeship did excellently in this year's model competition of Holzbau Schweiz (section Aargau). Kay Hürlimann in the 4th year of apprenticeship even received a special prize for his roof model.

Our apprentices spent many hours working on their models. David Kmet in the 2nd year of apprenticeship decided to build a strut cube, Marvin Gut and Mika Lötscher in the 3rd year of apprenticeship realized the free model and Kay Hürlimann in the 4th year of apprenticeship built the roof model.

We congratulate our apprentices for their great achievements. Keep it up, guys, we are proud of you! A big thank you goes to our vocational trainers Simon Vogel and Stefanie Steinacher for their commitment and support of our apprentices.