This school building in Stein is a two-storey modular timber construction. Its exterior and interior walls, as well as the roof, are made from insulated timber frame elements, while the ceilings are wood-concrete composite. The timber construction isn’t obvious from the outside due to the hot-dip galvanised steel sheets and wooden and metal windows that obscure it. Even more eye-catching is the steel pergola that runs around the entire building.

Häring AG acted as the general contractor for part of this school building project.

  • Prefabricated timber construction
  • Acousting ceiling
  • Skylights
Client Stiftung Aargauische Sprachheil-schule ASS
Turnerweg 16
5600 Lenzburg
Architect Ernst Nicklaus Fausch Architekten eth/sia GmbH
Feldstrasse 133
8004 Zurich
Area: 980 m²
Completion date: 30.04.2014
Duration: 6 months
Construction cost: CHF 1.64 million
Project manager: Oliver Hasler